September 2023
401(k) Allocation

401K Allocation

By: Jake Eggett

No changes.

The main pillars that have driven this market higher remain in place:

  1. Fed is at or near the end of its hiking cycle,

  2. Lower inflation,

  3. Economic growth remains resilient.

However, the U.S. economy is losing momentum. That’s not debatable. What is debatable is whether that loss of momentum is limited and results in no recession/mild recession or a much deeper recession. For now, our base case continues to be a mild recession, but time will tell. We’ll continue to follow the trends and remain nimble as things evolve over time.

We remain fully invested with stocks and continue to have an overweight of U.S. over International, Large Cap over Small Cap and Growth over Value.

The bond side remains fully invested as well. We continue to favor having a portion of your bond exposure in high yield or floating rate bank loans given the yields and trends of those markets.

As always, if you have any questions about how to rebalance your 401K, we encourage you to reach out to us!


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