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Video Library

At Copperwynd Financial we do our very best in providing you pertinent information regarding the financial industry and the economy. Below are several videos through the past year speaking to the markets and effects of current day events.

Q1 2025 The Fed is Not Done Yet.

Copperwynd Financial Town Hall is a virtual discussion providing insight into the current economic environment and investment trends.

Q4 2024 Economic and Market Update

Copperwynd Financial Town Hall is a virtual discussion providing insight into the current economic environment and investment trends.

Q3 2024 Economic and Market Update

Copperwynd Financial Town Hall is a virtual discussion providing insight into the current economic environment and investment trends.

Q2 2024 Economic and Market Update

Copperwynd Financial Town Hall is a virtual discussion providing insight into the current economic environment and investment trends.

Q1 2024 The Fed is done. What’s Next?

Copperwynd Financial Town Hall is a virtual discussion providing insight into the current economic environment and investment trends.

Q4 2023 Economic and Market Update

Copperwynd Financial Town Hall is a virtual discussion providing insight into the current economic environment and investment trends.

2023: Change of Focus: Q3

Copperwynd Financial Town Hall is a virtual discussion providing insight into the current economic environment and investment trends.

2023: Change of Focus: Q2

Copperwynd Financial Town Hall is a virtual discussion providing insight into the current economic environment and investment trends.

Dave Talks - first broadcast March 17, 2023

Copperwynd Financial’s David Daughtrey, CFA, CFP® speaks to the observations on the current banking crisis.

2023 Economic and Market Update

Copperwynd Financial Town Hall is a virtual discussion providing insight into the current economic environment and investment trends.

2022 Transition: How Long Will This Last?
Copperwynd Financial Town Hall is a discussion regarding the current economic environment, the Fed's attempt to reign in inflationary pressures and investment trends.

Transition 2022 – What’s Changed? - first broadcast August 19, 2022
Copperwynd Financial Zoom presentation discussing a discussion surrounding the state of the economy, current events, the markets, and information regarding a financial planning tip.

Transition 2022 - In Process -first broadcast May 19, 2022
Copperwynd Financial Zoom presentation discussing the market changes that all of us are experiencing, an update on the current economic environment, and a review of the impact investments have seen along with how we are handling them within our portfolios. We are also excited to introduce our newest advisor, Corrina Olson.

2022: A Year of Transition
Copperwynd Financial Zoom presentation discussing a market summary wrap up for 2021, an outlook for the year ahead, and to consider the thought on how well the economy, inflation and investments can transition given central banks removing their historic accommodation.

2021: What to Expect as We Wrap Up the Year
Copperwynd Financial Zoom presentation discussing a year-end recap, fed impacts, and economic updates.

Sunny With Clouds- 3rd Quarter Update
Copperwynd Financial Zoom presentation discussing a mid-year recap, economic update, concerns, investment issues & financial planning tips.

Copperwynd Financial Zoom presentation discussing an update on the economy and topics in today’s headlines: taxes and inflation!

2021 Moving Forward
Copperwynd Financial Zoom presentation discussing the economic recovery, cause for caution & optimism in 2021, and much more.

Post Election Discussion and Market Implications 11/18/2020
Copperwynd Financial Zoom presentation and discussion on the market implications with the 2020 election results.


​2020 Hindsight - Moving Forward in a Pandemic​ 8/27/2020
David Daughtrey, Lynda Elley, Erick Newton, and Jake Eggett all discuss the state of the markets, what we are looking forward to, and how our portfolios have reacted.


Market Update 05/03/2020
David Daughtrey, Chief Investment Officer of Copperwynd Financial, gives us an update on the markets and the coronavirus.


Market Update 04/17/2020
David Daughtrey, Chief Investment Officer of Copperwynd Financial, gives us an update on the markets and the coronavirus.


Market Update and the Coronavirus 3/21/2020
David Daughtrey, Chief Investment Officer of Copperwynd Financial, gives us an update on the markets and the coronavirus.


The Coronavirus 1/30/2020
David Daughtrey, Chief Investment Officer of Copperwynd Financial, discusses the impact of the Cornavirus on the Financial market and Global GDP. He also follows up on the Repo Market and how it has slowed recently.


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